morning went to school to help teacher type data...
at last type till 2.00 juz go..
raining d..
we went to ioi by bus...
reach there..we went to toilet change clothes..
-15 mins -
go eat 1st...
pizza hut..
all rushing because not enough time to eat...
then suddenly..not enough 1 ticket..
all blabla here blabla there..
at last..eng chuan too wei da..back home..
T.T ..... lol
2 hours and 45 mins..
the cinema is too cold..
the movie juz start..
wan go ngam kok hui wan go..then we go out 2gether..
1st time watch movie go
at last finish d..
go gai gai..
elianto...girls all go and play the nails painting..
then some boys wait outside...
i went to speedy to buy album..
after tat...went to jusco..
kar waie go buy vegetables..zZz
till 6.50..all back d..
me .xinyi and kumar wait bus at the bus stop..
but till 7.30 also no kumar back 1st..
i called my dad come and fetch us..
wait wait till 7.50 my dad juz come..
8 o'clock reach home..
boys: kokhui/engchuan/kumar/xizhuen/mingjun/tengjun/limbin/zhenyao/bryan
girls: xinnie/xinyi/elizabeth/yuetming/karwaie/adrea/jeyinne/vinnie/karyen/siowhoy/linah