i 11pm want sleep d..
but ..
i brother 11 something told me tat he got a project not yet do..then 2moro need to pass up~
oh gosh..
hate la..
want to do house model..
how to do wor..
than i do d..he colour it..
than i nth to do..
read KH....do notes..
finish..just go 2 sleep..
morning 8am wake up..
than do revision for my geography..
ii something..
go school..
then 12pm..go 7-11..
xinyi n leehui eat...
then 12.35 d..
me n xnyi walk back school want find them..
on the way saw them d..
then u-turn..
reach cake shop..
ask them come in to choose...they dunwan=='
than we choose lur..
pay d..
then ask want go where..
walk to san you..
full...no place..
then walk to Wawasan 2 de park..
like sesat jalan..=='
than reach d..find a table..
no lighter..
kf n mk go guardhouse there borrow..
Giant de lighter..
haha...cannot use want..
big wind..
at last can d..
so..start to sing song..
nobody want to start..
then kf start..
wOw..he sing so loud..
but good..we juz clap hand..
than cut cake..
cut into 8 pieces...
then mk ask us dont cut kw's name..
blablabla..how orz??
then they eat 1st..
me n xinyi share..
left 1 piece..
put in kw's container..
haha...then me n xinyi bought a chocolate for him..
then i take the container n chocolate 2gether for him..
he juz take the chocolate..=='
at last dunno the cake giv who lur..
finish d..
still early..
so gurls..go playground..nth to do..
then suggested to take photo..
lee hui b camera gurl..
after edit~~
take until 2 pm...we back school..
so reach school 2.15..
go locker..
go canteen..
back class..
kh period..teacher give us exersices..
wOw..damn lazy la me..
dunwan do..lend from KarYen ..
copy ..then pass up...sry teacher~
geography period..
teacher give back us last time she gave us de test..
teacher call my name at the last one..damn scare..
omg!!cant believe..
but tat time i no mood..
so dunno want give wat response..
thx for u all the clap clap..
i juz smile..than walk back to my place..
teacher said b4 highest mark de ppl..can go canteen ..want eat wat...take then teacher pay ..
then teacher ask me want wat present..
then she say cake??
than dunwant present??
lagi good..
save my money~
i wrong 1 question...cause dunno how to do..so tembak..
tembak wrong d =='
go canteen..
then accompany leehui to office..
than i go locker..
back class..
maths period..
finish d..
give teacher mark..
than lend my book to Lim Bin..
so moral period..
so go toilet wif xinyi..
than go 1J..
p . p things..
back class...
3K period..
arrange the tables for exam..than teacher arrange the places for us..
shit~ y can sit wif him...i dunwan>.<
cannot do wat..
juz try dun look at him..
than finish school..
Yagan last day today..
so wishes him then say bb to him many times..lol
than Lim Bin..
ask me..when exam..i ask u 2 questions ...can give the answer ??
means..?? yea of course can...
i need help ..he also muz help me..
than go locker..saw Yagan again..
than chat wif him n XInyi..until the Gate..
say bb again...
so back home..
xinyi give me a lollipop..
than say...give want..
finish ..
1 comment:
oish, u good la..
i scare d kumar lazy study la..
he lazy study then i cannot ask him help le..
this year..i think muz kao zi ji lu~ sienz~ T.T
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